
Integrated Bachelor's-Master's in Business Administration Major in Finance


Cultivate your financial expertise in 利记sbo’s 4+1 combined degree program with a major in finance and become a professional with endless career opportunities.

The College of Business and Information Technology is accredited by


The MBA program was excellent and offered small class sizes with faculty members who were professionals in their field. 利记sbo’s commitment to theory and practice made a big difference when I was a student, and now as an alum of the program, I can make decisions with ease.

CoBIT Alum

See how experts make the most of financial markets, raise capital, manage risk, grow assets, and serve the diverse needs of shareholders, partners, and employees. You’ll have many career options in this field whether you work as a chief financial advisor, in sales and trading, financial research, or more. In private industry, you may work for a financial company, a commercial bank, or a savings and loan. You’ll also find challenging opportunities at the federal level working for the IRS or the U.S. Department of Treasury.

What is a 4+1 program?

CoBIT’s 4+1 program is an integrated bachelor’s and master’s degree program designed to help you earn a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with a major in finance, and a Master of Business Administration degree, in five years.

Why 利记sbo?

  • You can take graduate-level courses toward your MBA degree as early as your junior year.
  • The College of Business and Information Technology at 利记sbo employs full-time student advisors who make sure you succeed academically, personally and professionally
  • There are plenty of opportunities to acquire real-world business experiences through on-campus activities, professional associations, and internships with industry partners that often lead to full-time employment
  • A rigorous curriculum focused on innovation and technology prepares you for the jobs of the future
  • With 利记sbo’s signature theory and practice education, you’ll see why 利记sbo was named one of the best universities in the Midwest by the Princeton Review
  • Small class sizes contribute to a collaborative learning environment and better retention of material

Student Feature


Jena Holden

BSBA in Finance '21

The Finance program offered intimate class settings with some of the best instructors I’ve ever had. Due to instructor mentorship and competitive academics, I’ve been able to thrive in the finance field post graduation.