利记sbo Team

The Wearable Technology Innovation Center at Lawrence Tech can help you develop new and innovative products that make a positive difference in people’s lives and solve important and challenging problems.

Get access to the WTIC resources and find collaborators who are eager to work with you!


Dr. Eric Meyer

Director, Experimental Biomechanical Lab,
WTIC Director & Co-PI



Mark Brucki

Mark Brucki

Associate Vice President
Economic Development



  • Ahmed Al-Bayati, Assistant Professor, Director, Construction Safety Research Center
  • Oreiha Edisemi Anyaiwe, Assistant Professor, Math & Computer Science
  • Sibrina Collins, Executive Director, The Marburger STEM Center
  • Franco Delogu, Associate Professor - Director, Psychology Program
  • Ty Faulkner, Instructor - Director, Pathways/Grand Challenges Program
  • Roxana Jafarifiroozbadi, Assistant Professor, Architecture
  • Paul Jaussen, Department Chair & Associate Professor, Humanities, Social Sciences & Communications
  • Heidi Morano, Director, Entrepreneurial Engineering Design Curriculum
  • Dan Radomski, Executive Director, Centrepolis Accelerator
  • Caryn Reed-Hendon, Director, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
  • Jerry Roston, Director, Engineering Entrepreneurship
  • Bilge Nur Saltik, Director, Industrial Design and Assistant Professor
  • Ross Sanders, Director of Industry Partnerships and Entrepreneurship
  • Dan Shargel, Associate Professor, Humanities, Social Sciences & Communications
  • Hamid Vejdani, Assistant Professor, Mechanical, Robotics, and Industrial Engineering